Manuscripts, Theses

Adventure education and its use as a vehicle to promote social emotional learning outcomes of K-12 students

Author / Creator
Wyss-Lund, Megan
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Research within the field of physical education (PE) has demonstrated that physical educators need to teach and assess all three learning domains - cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Research a...

Research within the field of physical education (PE) has demonstrated that physical educators need to teach and assess all three learning domains - cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Research also shows that the affective domain is one in which physical educators struggle to assess. Within recent decades, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has come to the forefront of education within K-12 schools. As the affective domain includes the feelings, emotions and attitudes of students, SEL very closely aligns with the affective domain in PE. In PE, students are likely to engage in activities that promote SEL outcomes because of the nature of the tasks within various PE curricula, however there is little data to make the connection. Adventure Education is a curricular model used in PE and has been associated with the affective domain. This study aims to analyze Adventure Education and its use as a vehicle for promoting SEL outcomes of K-12 students within a PE setting.


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