
Imágenes en colectivo : Grupo Suma (1976-1982)

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Collective Images is the result of a deep investigation into the artistic practices of the Suma Group; is the first complete study that offers novel approaches and important historiographic contrib...

Collective Images is the result of a deep investigation into the artistic practices of the Suma Group; is the first complete study that offers novel approaches and important historiographic contributions that dismantle traditional narratives and place the Group as one of the initiators of printing the streets with graffiti, stencils and silhouettes of images that challenge our present as the unemployed, bureaucrats and The missing. The collage, the fragment and the montage are the support of his graphic impressions marked by improvisation, affection and saying; They are reflective pronouncements that expand his work to the social, everyday and individual-collective realms. The unpublished essays that make up this book propose intersections between the public, the political and the aesthetic to establish relationships between graphic techniques, their creative process and their social meaning; they also recover the memory of the Group through a set of photographs, testimonies, newspaper and bibliographic sources that reveal the interstices of the actions of its members, who turned artistic creation into a visual guerrilla.


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