
Visie en vooruitgang XXI

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What do scientists really? Their work matters? What are they looking for? What do they after? Lessons for the 21st century, bringing 15 years science to a wider audience. A look at the themes shows...

What do scientists really? Their work matters? What are they looking for? What do they after? Lessons for the 21st century, bringing 15 years science to a wider audience. A look at the themes shows immediately that no subject is too hot or too bright to communicate about: the evolution debate or the welfare, learning machines or happiness, sports pennies or ecology in China. The texts in this book are the result of the public classes organized. Annually at KU Leuven Who wants to know how biologists, philosophers, sociologists, doctors, lawyers or doctors think their concerns and how they try to draw an audience, their activities will find in this publication a reliable guide. The texts in this book, each one providing information first hand, are accessible and inviting to continue exploring.


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