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Lark Rise to Candleford. Season 3, episode 11

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As the residents of Lark Rise and Candleford return in this warm-hearted series, could the fortunes of the Timmins family be about to change? A journalist named Daniel arrives to deliver the news t...

As the residents of Lark Rise and Candleford return in this warm-hearted series, could the fortunes of the Timmins family be about to change? A journalist named Daniel arrives to deliver the news that Emma has been left some money. There's a substantial sum to be claimed if Emma can prove her right to the money and there's a rags to riches story in it for Daniel's newspaper. As Robert and Emma contemplate their change in fortunes, Laura, who is fascinated to meet a real writer, shows Daniel around Lark Rise.Mischief Night is approaching and the folks of Lark Rise and Candleford are excitedly planning tricks to play on their neighbours. But Laura is in no mood for silly pranks - Fisher Bloom has returned, intent on winning her back, and it has thrown her feelings for Daniel into turmoil. Pearl and Edmund are determined to protect Daniel and Laura from heartbreak, but will their mischievous tricks to make Fisher leave succeed, and how will Daniel respond to a rival for Laura's affections?


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