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Picasso and dance. Le train bleu = The blue train

Train bleu (Choreographic work : Nijinska)
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Between 1917 and 1962, Picasso was involved in creating the designs for nine ballets in collaboration with such artists as Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie, Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, Léonide Massine...

Between 1917 and 1962, Picasso was involved in creating the designs for nine ballets in collaboration with such artists as Jean Cocteau, Erik Satie, Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, Léonide Massine and Vaslav Nijinsky. "Le Train Bleu" dates from 1924 and "Le Tricorne" from 1919. These two historic ballets, created originally by Sergei Diaghilev, have been revived by the Paris Opera Ballet. "Le Train Bleu" is an operetta dansé of a chic and flippant society. Jean Cocteau, who wrote the scenario, mockingly celebrates the cult of open air life, fine bodies and sport. The dances are inspired by golf, tennis, swimming and acrobatics. "Le Tricorne" is Spanish from start to finish. Picasso, a native of Andalusia, created sets, costumes, and a stage curtain, which evokes the atmosphere of the ballet by means of a typically Spanish scene. The story, told with humour and warmth, is of a miller's wife, her jealous husband and a senile magistrate by whom she is pursued. An accompanying documentary, "The Story of a Marriage", traces the story of Picasso's involvement with designs for ballet.



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