
حدائق الملك : الجنرال افقير والحسن الثاني ونحن "شهادة ومذكرات"

Jardins du roi. Arabic
Ḥadāʼiq al-malik : al-Jinirāl Ufqīr wa-al-Ḥasan al-Thānī wa-naḥnu "shahādat wa-mudhakirāt"
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Autobiography of Fatéma Oufkir, Morrocan political prisoner. She endured a long imprisonment along with her family as punishment for her husdand's involvement in the attempted assassination of the ...

Autobiography of Fatéma Oufkir, Morrocan political prisoner. She endured a long imprisonment along with her family as punishment for her husdand's involvement in the attempted assassination of the Morrocan king.


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