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Ocean vet. 10, Sargassum seaweed

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Narrated by Hollywood legend Michael Douglas, Ocean Vet follows the exploits of veterinarian Dr. Neil Burnie and his Ocean Vet team. Together they set out to save, protect, and learn more about Ber...

Narrated by Hollywood legend Michael Douglas, Ocean Vet follows the exploits of veterinarian Dr. Neil Burnie and his Ocean Vet team. Together they set out to save, protect, and learn more about Bermuda's incredible marine life. Neil and Choy discover the heart of the sargassum community and work alongside veteran aquarium collector Chris Flook to reveal how crucial the sargassum seaweed is to the health of the entire ocean. Follow the team as they collect samples for an exhibit that will educate local school children on the unique species and tiny life that lives within these golden rainforests of the ocean. Watch as Neil and his team explore the deep sea structure of Argus tower and inshore mangrove bays, building a bigger picture of how the intricate and delicate food web of the sargasso sea works. Finally the team attach a tracking tag to one of the fastest fish that thrive amongst these floating seaweed matts, the wondrous Wahoo!


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