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DNA is Not Destiny, How the Outside Gets under the Skin

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Experiences, scientists have learned, can leave chemical marks called the epigenome on our DNA, especially during the early years. The epigenome acts like a dimmer switch or volume control, turning...

Experiences, scientists have learned, can leave chemical marks called the epigenome on our DNA, especially during the early years. The epigenome acts like a dimmer switch or volume control, turning genes on or off, making them shout or whisper. In so doing, they change the way our brains and bodies function-with enduring consequences for behaviors and mental and physical health. DNA Is not Destiny considers the profound social and political implications of these discoveries. If social environments can change our epigenetic settings, and hence alter the way our genes work, then early environments can help or hinder child success and well-being in ways that go beyond the individual choices we make.


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