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Lysistrata, A Feature Film of Aristophanes' Masterpiece

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This is the feature film of Lysistrata, Aristophanes' shocking comic masterpiece, that won Remi Gold at the Houston International Film Festival. The production features Candace Janee as Lysistrata,...

This is the feature film of Lysistrata, Aristophanes' shocking comic masterpiece, that won Remi Gold at the Houston International Film Festival. The production features Candace Janee as Lysistrata, Heather Gault as Stratyllis, Morgan Marcum as Myrine, and Tanya Rodina (Miss Ukraine) as the Goddess Peace. This production has the benefit of setting the comic scenes in the ancient Greek locations that are hinted at in the drama but which are hard for modern audiences to imagine, such as using the interior of the Parthenon for the scenes where Lysistrata outwits the Official.


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