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Made in Italy

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Synonyme d'élégance et de qualité, le Made in Italy a, en quelques décennies, propulsé la mode italienne dans la pop culture. De la dolce vita des années 50 à la globalisation des années 2000, des ...

Synonyme d'élégance et de qualité, le Made in Italy a, en quelques décennies, propulsé la mode italienne dans la pop culture. De la dolce vita des années 50 à la globalisation des années 2000, des petits maroquiniers de Milan à la rivalité entre Giorgio Armani et Gianni Versace, des premiers défilés florentins aux shows retransmis sur Internet, 60 années qui ont révolutionné la mode mondiale.

From the dolce vita of the 1950s to the globalization of the 2000s, a story of Italy told by its fashion with the voice of Marisa Berenson. Always synonymous with elegance and quality, Made in Italy propelled Italian fashion into pop culture and revolutionized global fashion, inventing bling, supermodels and luxury as a way of life. Italian fashion is however a recent creation, born in the early 1950s from the will of a few manufacturers encouraged by buyers from American stores, too dependent on Parisian fashion houses. Fresh out of World War II, the weakened country will use fashion to establish a mythical blend of elegance, sophistication and good-natured vulgarity that will delight buyers around the world.


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