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They are not invisible = No son invisibles

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No Son Invisibles: Maya Women & Microfinance is about three Mayan women from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Stepping deep into their lives, we see how with a small amount of credit they turn dir...

No Son Invisibles: Maya Women & Microfinance is about three Mayan women from the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Stepping deep into their lives, we see how with a small amount of credit they turn dire circumstance into a well of human empowerment that reaches far beyond any regional boundary. Using Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus' microfinancing formula, a local micro credit organization finds clients who have been forgotten and would otherwise not be able to get a loan, and puts their trust and money in their hands. The descendants of an ancient Mayan culture, the women have learned to manage in the modern world by using money from the loans to start their own businesses, which becomes the sustaining power of their families. The friendships and family relations within the social groups change and become stronger as women helping women not only saves the lives of their families, but entire villages.


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