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ARTE reports. Burma : the curse of the Rohingya people -14-03-2015

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In the space of 3 years, 100,000 of Rohingya people are thought to have fled Burma - the camps in which they are stationed, and the violence they endure - on board makeshift boats in the hands of p...

In the space of 3 years, 100,000 of Rohingya people are thought to have fled Burma - the camps in which they are stationed, and the violence they endure - on board makeshift boats in the hands of people traffickers. And yet the Rohingya have lived in Burma for centuries, mostly in the State of Arakan, close to the border with Bangladesh. Although they are Muslims, they have always been considered as Burmese in their own right - just another ethnic group in a country that has over a hundred of them. But in 2012, inter-community riots put an end to the relative indifference the community enjoyed. The Rohingya people have now become outlaws, undesirables in their own country, victims of discrimination and violence on the part of the Buddhist majority. A few months away from the elections, the plight of the Rohingya people has become a political issue, orchestrated by a government that openly supports the 969 movement, a group of nationalist and xenophobic monks. It reveals the radicalisation of a large part of the Burmese population, which, since the Saffron Revolution, is still seeking its own identity.


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