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BBC Proms. 2010, Last night of the BBC Proms. Variations on a rococo theme for cello and orchestra

Variations sur un thème rococo; arranged
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One of the most popular classical music concerts in the world, the Last Night of the Proms is watched and listened to by an audience of millions around the globe. Tradition meets high jinks for 201...

One of the most popular classical music concerts in the world, the Last Night of the Proms is watched and listened to by an audience of millions around the globe. Tradition meets high jinks for 2010 as Jiri Belohlavek conducts his second Last Night, while the spirit of Henry Wood presides, as always, over the grand finale of the Proms. Renee Fleming lends her lustrous soprano to music by Strauss, Dvorak and Smetana. A festive new piece by Jonathan Dove opens the evening; a contemporary hornpipe forms an upbeat to anniversary composer Arne's Rule, Britannia! and traces of the season's Wood, Parry, Wagner, Rodgers and Hammerstein and opera themes run throughout the concert.


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