
Corpus des inscriptions d'Atrax en Pélasgiotide (Thessalie)

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This volume, which boasts more than 500 inscriptions, presents the archaeological and epigraphic material from the city of Atrax, which was founded at the western boundary of the Pelasgiotic tetrad...

This volume, which boasts more than 500 inscriptions, presents the archaeological and epigraphic material from the city of Atrax, which was founded at the western boundary of the Pelasgiotic tetrad. After a description of the remains that are known at the site, the documents concerning this city are collected here: literary evidence, coins, decrees and other public documents, religious consecrations, civil dedications, and lists of manumissions. It also contains one of the most extensive series of Thessalian funerary steles, which range from the sixth century BC to the second century AD and demonstrate the rich output of monuments from the workshops that in this place worked the marble known as 'Marble of Atrax'--Back cover.


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