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37 days. One month in summer

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An all-star international cast, led by Star Wars' Ian McDiarmid and Spooks' Tim Piggott-Smith, head up this three-part political thriller, following the catastrophic chain of events which led from ...

An all-star international cast, led by Star Wars' Ian McDiarmid and Spooks' Tim Piggott-Smith, head up this three-part political thriller, following the catastrophic chain of events which led from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914, to the declaration of war between Britain and Germany on 4th August. From the multi-award winning Hardy Pictures and the creative team behind the 2011 drama Hitler on Trial, this tense and gripping serial set amongst the corridors of power in Whitehall and Berlin tracks the unfolding crisis through the eyes of leading politicians and civil servants struggling to prevent the world's first global war. This provocative factual drama unlocks the mystery of the war's origins, overturning assumptions about its inevitability, demonstrating that World War one did not happen by chance, and nor was it a foregone conclusion.


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