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The Kingdom Divided

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This program tells the story of two different visions of Christianity and how each is finding a pulpit and battleground in Central America. In Nicaragua, the Sandanistas' view of Christianity says ...

This program tells the story of two different visions of Christianity and how each is finding a pulpit and battleground in Central America. In Nicaragua, the Sandanistas' view of Christianity says that the poor must not wait for justice, that the Kingdom of God can be achieved in this world. In Honduras, the poor are attracted to evangelical churches that promise a reward in heaven for the sufferings of this world, a view which poses no challenge to the status quo. "The religious world has turned upside down in Central America," says host Bill Moyers. "After four centuries, the Catholic Church, with its liberation theology, is identifying itself openly with the aspirations of the poor. Its place as defender of authority and stability in society is being taken by evangelicals. And back here in the U.S., Christians are choosing sides in this new Reformation.


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