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Free speech for sale : Bill Moyers special

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When it comes to today's important public policy issues, the opportunity to be heard depends on whether you can afford it. In this program, Bill Moyers and key legal and public interest advocates e...

When it comes to today's important public policy issues, the opportunity to be heard depends on whether you can afford it. In this program, Bill Moyers and key legal and public interest advocates examine how industries with deep pockets use their access to the media to overwhelm the public debate, from North Carolina's hog industry to the defeat of the McCain Tobacco Bill to the passage of the Telecom Act of 1996. This Act, all but ignored by the newspapers and TV outlets owned by megamedia, amounted to a massive giveaway of the public's airwaves. What consequences does this control over the flow of information have for our democracy, and how can individuals and public interest organizations counter the growing dominance of big media?


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