
اللعب النظيف : ما تتعلمه من طفل عن الاقتصاد والحياة

Fair play. Arabic
al-Laʻb al-naẓīf : mā tataʻallamuhu min ṭiflika ʻan al-iqtiṣād wa-al-ḥayāh
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How should we feel about taxes that redistribute income? Ask how parents feel about children who forcibly "redistribute" other children's toys. How should we respond to those who complain that thei...

How should we feel about taxes that redistribute income? Ask how parents feel about children who forcibly "redistribute" other children's toys. How should we respond to those who complain that their neighbors are too wealthy? Ask how parents respond when children complain that their siblings got too much cake. By insisting that fairness can't mean one thing for children and another for adults, Landsburg shows that the instincts of the parent have profound consequences for economic justice.


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