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JavaScript Frameworks

Author / Creator
O'Reilly Media, Inc., author
O'Reilly Fluent JavaScript & Beyond Conference (2012 : San Francisco, California)
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Want the inside scoop on new JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap.js and Backbone.js? With this video package, you’ll get a front-row seat to 2012 Fluent Conference workshops and sessions that z...

Want the inside scoop on new JavaScript frameworks such as Bootstrap.js and Backbone.js? With this video package, you’ll get a front-row seat to 2012 Fluent Conference workshops and sessions that zero in on their capabilities. Quickly make sense of this vast JavaScript explosion. You’ll learn new skills you can apply immediately. Workshops and sessions include: Backbone.js - Basics and Beyond Bridging the Client-side/Server-side Divide A Deeper Look at the Enyo JavaScript Framework Bootstrap.js Derby: The full-stack framework Meteor: A New Way to Build Apps SpineJS: Moving State to the Client You Don't Need a Framework for that! Introducing Strata: A Modular, Streaming HTTP Server for node.js Ember.js: An MVC Framework for Ambitious Web Applications


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