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Curbing the tide of meningitis

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In March 2007, as a meningitis epidemic was raging in Burkina Faso, we filmed a poignant and revealing account of the devastating impact meningitis epidemics have on individuals, families, and comm...

In March 2007, as a meningitis epidemic was raging in Burkina Faso, we filmed a poignant and revealing account of the devastating impact meningitis epidemics have on individuals, families, and communities. Meningitis is a deadly infection of the fluid surrounding the brain and the spinal cord. Thousands of cases are reported but many aren't, meaning the true scale of the damage caused by the disease causes is far higher than is published. Routine reporting systems break down during epidemics, and many die before they can reach help. Those who survive it are often left with a damaged nervous system and a host of disabilities.


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