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Bosnia : a wounded land

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Does anyone still believe in Bosnia-Herzogovina or that three years of war (1992-1995) and the following 13 years of uneasy peace have achieved very much? Would fighting break out again if internat...

Does anyone still believe in Bosnia-Herzogovina or that three years of war (1992-1995) and the following 13 years of uneasy peace have achieved very much? Would fighting break out again if international troops left the area? This film paints a picture of a country that in many ways is still as deeply divided as when the Dayton Accords were signed in 1995. Reasons for pessimism abound. Sarajevo had a reputation as a multi-ethnic, tolerant city but there are signs that it has fallen under the thrall of nationalist Muslims. Only the presence of foreign forces, police and advisors from the UN and the European Union has maintained the fragile balance between Bosnia's Serb Orthodox, Croat Catholic, and Muslim communities over the dozen years since the civil war. The country has three presidents, one for each community, but the government is riven by crises – often with the same causes as those that sparked off the war.


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