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Political assassination. Murder in Stockholm : who killed Olof Palme?

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A Social-Democrat and a true man of the people, Sweden's Prime Minister, Olof Plame, detested the rules and regulations that came with his rank as much as he hated the East-West split born of the C...

A Social-Democrat and a true man of the people, Sweden's Prime Minister, Olof Plame, detested the rules and regulations that came with his rank as much as he hated the East-West split born of the Cold War. A troublemaker on the international political scene, he was as uncompromising with the White House as he was with the Kremlin, and a passionate spokesman for the Third World. Although he befriended many of the world's intellectuals, his startling viewpoints also made him many fanatical enemies. On February 28, 1986, at exactly 11:21 pm, in the heart of Stockholm, Palme was shot dead as he walked home without bodyguards, as was his habit. Today the murder remains unexplained. The police investigation has followed all leads: CIA, KGB, far-tight international organizations, among others.


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