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This last Tengiz Abuladze film is crowning the trilogy started by the motion pictures "The Supplication" and "The Wishing Tree". In the Soviet Union, the film was put into distribution only as late...

This last Tengiz Abuladze film is crowning the trilogy started by the motion pictures "The Supplication" and "The Wishing Tree". In the Soviet Union, the film was put into distribution only as late as 1987, during the "glasnost" period. The film's structure is somewhat whimsical: the action develops, as it were, outside the time framework, with no specified indication to the 1930s. In the character of dictator Varlam Aravidze, the traits of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Beria are equally recognizable. Three generations of one family are paying for the sins of their fathers. In a totalitarian society, the first to perish are the artists, like Sandro Barateli and his wife. Years later, their daughter, Keti, avenges the death of her parents.


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