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Live at Broadway Dance Center : active-isolated strength program

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"Active-Isolated Strengthening is a revolutionary technique in which we pinpoint, isolate and strngthen each individual muscle used to perform as a dancer or athlete at your highest potential: a to...

"Active-Isolated Strengthening is a revolutionary technique in which we pinpoint, isolate and strngthen each individual muscle used to perform as a dancer or athlete at your highest potential: a tool box for the feet, ankles, calves, knees, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip and grunk, back and shoulders, with step by step instructions tailored to work specific muscle groups. This training program is backed by sound scientific principles, and can be tailored to your specific goals and needs. Don't wait until you are injured to strengthen! You will learn a wealth of information to keep you at peak performance and out of the doctor's office ..."


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