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Feet Inspection

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In the United States, diabetes has become an epidemic. More than 25.6 million people - 11.3% of our population - are estimated to be affected. Just over one-fourth of these individuals are over the...

In the United States, diabetes has become an epidemic. More than 25.6 million people - 11.3% of our population - are estimated to be affected. Just over one-fourth of these individuals are over the age of 65 while less than 0.26% are younger than 20. And, it is estimated that another 7 million people are unaware they are affected. This course is designed to provide nurses in clinical practice with an overview of diabetes, risk factors and signs and symptoms associated with a diagnosis of diabetes, factors to consider when providing care to a patient diagnosed with diabetes and practical steps that can be taken to encourage adherence to treatment regimens. This film clip is about inspecting one's feet to diagnose an issue related to diabetes.


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