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Tian Anmen : the forbidden memory

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June 1989, Beijing, Tian Anmen Square. The tanks of the People's Liberation Army violently repress the democratic aspirations of the Chinese youth. It is a bloodshed, with nearly a thousand killed....

June 1989, Beijing, Tian Anmen Square. The tanks of the People's Liberation Army violently repress the democratic aspirations of the Chinese youth. It is a bloodshed, with nearly a thousand killed. June 2009, Beijing, Tian Anmen Square. Friendly policemen, gazing tourists and Mao effigies are everywhere. No traces of the massacre on the square, nor in the press, the Internet or in the History schoolbooks. It is like nothing ever happened. Is this transformation the result of effective propaganda, plain old indoctrination or cautious silence? By confronting 20-year old Chinese (those representing the China of tomorrow) with those who, 20 years ago, dreamed of another China, this film is the startling account of the heavy control prevailing in Chinese society today.


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