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Youth violence : breaking the cycle

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Every day we hear gruesome stories of violent acts committed by young people: school shootings, gang wars, bullying. But why are so many kids turning to violence, and how do we stop it? Experts hav...

Every day we hear gruesome stories of violent acts committed by young people: school shootings, gang wars, bullying. But why are so many kids turning to violence, and how do we stop it? Experts have begun to figure out some of the answers; other answers come from the kids who live through the violence. This program brings you the insights of both these groups. Visit a young man in his neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey - one of the toughest cities in the country - and see how he has managed to stay clear of the violence around him. Meet his mother, and discover the role she has played in his success. See first-hand how one innovative program reaches out to four year olds, showing them effective ways to resolve problems without resorting to violence.


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