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The wonder of animals. Series 1, Episode 5, Foxes

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There are more than 10 million species on the planet, but why have some thrived where others have failed? The Wonder of Animals celebrates the most successful animal groups on Earth - from apes to ...

There are more than 10 million species on the planet, but why have some thrived where others have failed? The Wonder of Animals celebrates the most successful animal groups on Earth - from apes to elephants, ants to bears. Discover why, despite appearing clumsy and comical, penguins actually have an anatomy that is perfect for their environment and how the dominance of big cats is down to more than just their brawn. New science is combined with the very latest animal behaviour research and extensive BBC natural history HD archive footage to build a complete picture of each animal, revealing how its unique characteristics have contributed to its success. Across the planet carnivores are struggling to compete in a world with a rocketing human population, but one predator is bucking the trend - the fox. Its numbers are increasing and its geographical range expanding. Chris Packham explores the secrets to its success - its senses, its intelligence and its flexibility. New research reveals how its slit pupils enable it to hunt in the bright desert day; how it may be using the Earth's magnetic field to determine the location of prey during a pounce; and how regular exposure to rotting food is improving the health of the red fox, enabling it to hold its own in an increasingly urban landscape.


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