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Great speeches. Volume 15, [Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Elizabeth Dole, and Huey Long]

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For over 25 years, The Great Speeches Video Series has proved an invaluable instructional tool for Speech Communicators. This program contains Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech; Ronald R...

For over 25 years, The Great Speeches Video Series has proved an invaluable instructional tool for Speech Communicators. This program contains Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech; Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall!" speech; Hillary Clinton's 2008 DNC address; Michael Huckabee's 2008 RNC address; and Louis Farrakhan's eulogy for Julia Carson. Great Speeches Volume 15 presents: Lou Gehrig's farewell to baseball; Babe Ruth's farewell to baseball; Bill Clinton's farewell to the Democratic Party; Colin Powell's 2000 RNC keynote address; Elizabeth Dole's Duke University commencement address; and Huey Long's "Share the Wealth" speech.


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