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Charles Cré-Ange

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WORDS ON DANCES is a series which features 15 contemporary choreographers. Each film shows parts of a piece interspersed with interviews so as to draw a portrait of a choreographer through his or h...

WORDS ON DANCES is a series which features 15 contemporary choreographers. Each film shows parts of a piece interspersed with interviews so as to draw a portrait of a choreographer through his or her work. During the interviews, photographs of the piece, images of rehearsals and text inserts describe the itinerary of the choreographer. A goal: introducing the viewer to the work of a choreographer thanks to simple and concise terms so as to arouse the interest of a diverse audience. This episode consists of a presentation of Charles Cre-Ange's work with parts of his show 'Flash.'

Charles Cré-Ange is a choreographer in his full maturity, whose world is complex and experimental. Charles Cré-Ange is held in high esteem by his peers in France and abroad. He won a prize at the Rencontres Internationales Chorégraphiques de Bagnolet, presided over by Merce Cunningham, and is often invited in prestigious international venues and organisations such as the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, the Dance Theatre of Ireland, etc. He has been charged with important and diverse choreographic projects such as revivals of works or creations for French regional Conservatories (Cergy 2007, Versailles 2008). Our rapidly changing society is not a problem to Charles Cré-Ange, who constantly questions his own knowledge and explores new ideas, not only concerning the technicality of the performing arts, but also the multimedia technologies. In this 1997 report, he tells us about his work as a choreographer: the difficulties of stage design, movement phrases, the relationship with the performers, ect. In an interview to which are added excerpts of his shows, Charles Cré-Ange gives us without any detours his perception of his art


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