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First degree

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Nationwide, nearly half of released inmates return to prison within 5 years. First Degree takes viewers inside Sing Sing Prison, one of the nation's most infamous maximum-security prisons, and pres...

Nationwide, nearly half of released inmates return to prison within 5 years. First Degree takes viewers inside Sing Sing Prison, one of the nation's most infamous maximum-security prisons, and presents a remarkable program that has dropped the recidivism rate to under 2%. Mercy College has partnered with the prison to provide an opportunity for inmates to earn a college degree, and with it, an entirely new life upon release. This inspiring documentary introduces us to the inmates who are actively choosing to change their life paths by participating in the college program, including convicted murderers and gang members who have now become role models for other inmates. First Degree shows how the diploma these men earn is far more than just a piece of paper; it is a second chance at life itself.


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