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Belyy Bim chernoe ukho

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Bim was unlucky at birth: something went wrong in his pedigree and the puppy came into this world looking not like a scion of the noble Gordon Setter family should. A strange coloring, not a very g...

Bim was unlucky at birth: something went wrong in his pedigree and the puppy came into this world looking not like a scion of the noble Gordon Setter family should. A strange coloring, not a very good exterior ... However, there came a man for whom the purity of the pedigree was not as important as the puppy's lively and friendly disposition. That lonely middle-aged man was a writer and a hunter. And Bim became a true and loyal friend to Ivan Ivanovich. The master and the dog were always together - in the city apartment and in the forest. But a misfortune came their way: Ivan Ivanovich was taken to hospital. And the happy and tranquil days were over for Bim. Now he was in for a painful waiting and searching for his master. Bim was fated to meet different people and, alas, not all of them were kind to him.


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