
Bloody nevves from Norvvich : or, a true relation of a bloody attempt of the papists in Norwich, to consume the whole city by fire. VVhich they had begun to put in practice setting a house a fire, at the lower end of High-Bridge-street, burning it to the ground, but by Gods mercy, they were hindered from doing any more mischiefe. Likewise here is added the last bloody newes from Ireland. Consisting of a bloody tragedy acted upon the body of the Lord Coffeld a Protestant, conspired by Sir Philip Moneale a trecherous and bloody rebell, with the like cruelty done to Mr. Ironmonger, by the rebels, also after what manner he being slaine, they committed his father to prison, and threw his wife and children out of doores naked. VVith the relation of how many vvagons went out of London, laden vvith ammunition to be conveigh'd to Ireland, for the use of our distressed brethren, the Protestants the 2. of Decemb

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