
All worthy officers and souldiers, who are yet mindful, that you engaged not as a meer mercenary army, hyred to serve the arbytrarie ends of a councel of state; : but took up arms in iudgement and conscience, in behalf of your own, and the peoples just rights and liberties. You may now see plainly by the proceedings of Colonel Hewson with his regiment, that the design of our grand officers is, to reduce the army to a meer mercinary and servile temper, that shall obey all their commands, without so much as asking a question for conscience sake. ... Therefore keep every man his place and post, and stir not, but imediately chuse you out a councel of agitators once more to judge of these things: without which we shall never see a new Parliament, or ever be quit of these intolerable burthens, oppressions, and cruelties, by which the people, are like to be beggered and destroyed

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