Sound Recordings

Item no. 68; IG-1 August 16, 1965, [undated]

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Description: Scope/Content: Igangan: Ajabore music; Inst's - ajabore drum, agogo (small double), sekere [seke-seke construction] Description: Ajabore is a drum found in Ijesha country of similar co...

Description: Scope/Content: Igangan: Ajabore music; Inst's - ajabore drum, agogo (small double), sekere [seke-seke construction] Description: Ajabore is a drum found in Ijesha country of similar construction to omele bembe, but without snares. Ajabore music, virtually extinct as of the Thieme's recording (1965), was reportedly used for light entertainment or recreational singing after work or on informal social occasions. The instrumentation typically consisted of ajabore drum and ikanyere gourd rattle. In this recording, the ajabore is accompanied by a small double-bell type of agogo and a rattle referred to as sekere or ikanyere, but actually more like seke-seke in construction (Thieme 1969:155-157).


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