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Lockie Leonard Series 1. Episode 14: Pure Poetry


Just when life is finally uncomplicated, Lockie falls for Vicki Streeton all over again... and it's driving him to distraction. John East suggests Lockie create a Board Riders Association to take h...

Just when life is finally uncomplicated, Lockie falls for Vicki Streeton all over again... and it's driving him to distraction. John East suggests Lockie create a Board Riders Association to take his mind off girls. Unfortunately, Boof not only joins the group but sets his sights on the presidency as well. Lockie isn't thrilled but at least he knows where he stands with Boof. No complications there. Unlike Vicki. One minute, he breaks her toe, forcing her out of the lead role in the upcoming ballet. And the next? She's helping him. Will Lockie ever understand girls! Maybe it's time for Lockie to take a leaf out of Sarge's book and learn to understand the ultimate language of romance: poetry.


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