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Lockie Leonard Series 1. Episode 15: The Ladder of Love


Lockie and Vicki are back on. And unlike before, Lockie takes the public attention in his stride. However, along with his newfound popularity comes new pressure: everyone is wondering what step Loc...

Lockie and Vicki are back on. And unlike before, Lockie takes the public attention in his stride. However, along with his newfound popularity comes new pressure: everyone is wondering what step Lockie and Vicki are up to on the "Ladder of Love". Lockie questions why things can't stay the same but Phillip warns that he has to keep things moving, or the relationship will sour and the romance will die. Lockie consults Mum's Little Green Book, which seems to start at Step 23 and shoot off in to the stratosphere! This is serious stuff. Is Lockie ready to climb further up "The Ladder of Love"?


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