
Oeuvrer pour le salut : moines, chanoines et frères dans la péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge

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The problem of personal and collective salvation, crucial for all Christians, leads to the emergence of individuals and social groups known to be particularly capable of making their own salvation ...

The problem of personal and collective salvation, crucial for all Christians, leads to the emergence of individuals and social groups known to be particularly capable of making their own salvation and working for that of others. Based on this fundamental fact, this work examines the tension between the spiritual ambitions and the individual, community and institutional constraints of monks, regular canons and begging brothers, in the context of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Three modes of access to salvation are highlighted: conversion, that is to say the choice to enter religion and the continual individual transformation that it implies; mediation, based on prayer and the liturgy; the care of souls, linked to pastoral commitment.


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