
Species in the spotlight : priority actions, 2016-2020. Southern Resident killer whale DPS, Orcinus orca

Species in the spotlight. Southern Resident killer whale DPS, Orcinus orca.
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"The Southern Resident killer whale DPS was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 2005 following an almost 20% decline in the population. The Southern Residents were chosen...

"The Southern Resident killer whale DPS was listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 2005 following an almost 20% decline in the population. The Southern Residents were chosen as one of the eight most at-risk species because the population has relatively high mortality and low reproduction and they are currently well below the population growth goals identified in the Recovery Plan (NMFS 2008). Unlike other North Pacific killer whale populations, which have generally been increasing since federal protection was initiated in the 1970's, the Southern Resident population remains small and vulnerable and has not had a net increase in abundance since the mid-1980s. The comprehensive recovery program requires engagement from vital partners and long-term support over a large range from California to Alaska"--Page 2, paragraph 1.


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