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Tango: the single word that evokes impressions of passionate dancers entwined with their partners and the music. Watching the best modern tango dancers in the world today, it becomes clear why the ...

Tango: the single word that evokes impressions of passionate dancers entwined with their partners and the music. Watching the best modern tango dancers in the world today, it becomes clear why the dance has been described as "a war between legs." The tango is Argentina's national dance - a dance that defies description. It can be fast or slow, intricately choreographed, or completely improvised. Sometimes it has the stylish elegance of a ballroom dance, sometimes the stylized staccato of a barroom duel. The tango has been a part of Argentine culture throughout the 20th century, but will it survive into the next one? The tango has its admirers all over the world, and actor Robert Duvall is one of them. He comes to Buenos Aires about once a year to immerse himself in the tango.


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