Citation Data


Mielecki, T. (Tadeusz). On the Influence of Ash and Certain Chemical Substances on the Caking Power of Coal. Warszawa, Poland : Washington, D.C. :Published for the National Science Foundation and the Department of the Interior by Centralny Instytut Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej ; Available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1961.


Mielecki, T. (Tadeusz). (1961). On the influence of ash and certain chemical substances on the caking power of coal. Warszawa, Poland : Washington, D.C. :Published for the National Science Foundation and the Department of the Interior by Centralny Instytut Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej ; Available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce,


Mielecki, T. (Tadeusz). On the Influence of Ash and Certain Chemical Substances on the Caking Power of Coal. Warszawa, Poland : Washington, D.C. :Published for the National Science Foundation and the Department of the Interior by Centralny Instytut Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej ; Available from the Office of Technical Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1961.

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