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Choropampa : the price of gold = el precio del oro

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On June 2, 2000, 151 kilograms of liquid mercury spilled from a truck hauling the mercury away from the Yanacocha goldmine in the Peruvian Andes. The spill covered a 25-mile long area, contaminatin...

On June 2, 2000, 151 kilograms of liquid mercury spilled from a truck hauling the mercury away from the Yanacocha goldmine in the Peruvian Andes. The spill covered a 25-mile long area, contaminating the small mountain villages Choropampa, San Juan, and Magdalena. The owners of the mine, a Peruvian company, the World Bank, and the Newmont Mining Corp. of Colorado, claim that the problem was quickly resolved, but hundreds of people still suffer the ill effects. This video details the legal battles of the people of Choropampa to get proper medical care and compensation for the damage done to the town and its economy and "exposes the global gold trade's nasty underbelly."


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