Manuscripts, Theses

A pressing issue : the state of mental health care in today's schools

Author / Creator
Hansen, Carilyn E. author
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The current state of mental health care is in crisis in Wisconsin and nationally, and the political climate is set for needed improvement. This paper discusses the significant shortage of professio...

The current state of mental health care is in crisis in Wisconsin and nationally, and the political climate is set for needed improvement. This paper discusses the significant shortage of professionals and children not getting the help they need in this area. Early intervention is key both in school and in life. Yet, school resources and teachers lack both time and money. Teachers lack preparation by health care professionals to address mental health issues. Schools do conduct health screenings like vision or medical screenings, but mental health screening is neither typical nor required. In fact, very few schools in Wisconsin screen ... for mental health problems, identifying children for early intervention and referral. This paper analyzes national research mental health screening and considers whether schools or medical settings are the best place for screening. This paper suggest[s] population-based health screenings as part of a school public health program as a tool for early intervention and remediation. Schools are an ideal place to prioritize help for students without barriers. These include Medicaid, long wait lists, appointments that conflict with work or school, cost of screening at pediatrician offices, and travel concerns in rural communities. Mandated school-based mental health is an impactful and transformative way to screen and increase accessibility to mental health services and help our children thrive socially, emotionally, and academically as a universal approach. Mental health screenings could potentially catch more issues than vision, hearing, or scoliosis screenings. Prevention and early intervention are key to help solve this significant problem.


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