
Emigration return to an address of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 23 March 1835, for, no. 1. Copies or extracts of any correspondence between the secretary of state and the governors of the British colonies, respecting emigration, not already presented to this House; no. 2. Return of the number of persons who have emigrated from Great Britain and Ireland, to the British colonies, and to the United States of America, during the years 1833 and 1834; distinguishing the ports from which they have sailed, and the countries to which emigration took place; no. 3. Relation of the number of agricultural labourers, who, with their families, have emigrated to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land; specifying the number of persons in each family, and the amount of assistance granted; no. 4. Return of the number of young unmarried females who have been assisted by government to emigrate to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land ..

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