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National Profile of Local Health Departments, United States, 2016, Restricted-Use Level 1 Data

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Conducted by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the purpose of this survey of local health departments (LHDs) was to advance and support the development of a dat...

Conducted by the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the purpose of this survey of local health departments (LHDs) was to advance and support the development of a database for LHDs to describe and understand their structure, function, and capacities. A core set of questions was submitted to every LHD. In addition, some LHDs received one of two randomly assigned modules of supplemental questions. Data from the National Profile of Local Health Departments survey are used by:<list type="ordered"> <itm>LHD staff members to compare their LHD or those within their states to others nationwide;</itm> <itm>Policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels to inform public health policy and support projects to improve local public health practice;</itm> <itm>Universities to educate future public health workforce members about LHDs;</itm> <itm>Researchers to address questions about public health practice; and</itm><itm>NACCHO staff to develop programs and resources that meet the needs of LHDs and to advocate effectively for LHDs.</itm></list> Data included as part of this collection includes the Public-Use (Restricted-Use Level 1) data of the National Profile of Local Health Departments 2016 study. The dataset includes 1930 cases for 1112 variables.Cf:



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