Computer file

ANES 1990 Time Series Study

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This study is part of a time-series collection of national surveys fielded continuously since 1952. The election studies are designed to present data on Americans' social backgrounds, enduring poli...

This study is part of a time-series collection of national surveys fielded continuously since 1952. The election studies are designed to present data on Americans' social backgrounds, enduring political predispositions, social and political values, perceptions and evaluations of groups and candidates, opinions on questions of public policy, and participation in political life. For this collection, two forms of the survey instrument were used, with about 75 percent of the content being the same on both forms. Survey questions included the now standard National Election Studies battery of questions, along with items on presidential performance and the Persian Gulf conflict. Additionally, Form A contained questions relating to values and individualism, while Form B had content relating to foreign relations. The file also contains post-election vote validation and election administration survey data. Information is provided concerning sampling data, disposition of the case, control record variables, and information about the interviewer for the 1,980 interviews, plus nonsample and noninterview cases. Each of these records is associated with one or more call records that provide information on the date, day of the week, time of the call and its disposition, and the nature of the contact for those calls that resulted in contact with someone in the sample household.Cf:



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