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ABC News/Washington Post Poll #1, October 1991

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This data collection is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that evaluate the Bush presidency and solicit opinions on a variety of political and social issues. Topics covered include the...

This data collection is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that evaluate the Bush presidency and solicit opinions on a variety of political and social issues. Topics covered include the economy, foreign affairs, the most important problem facing this country, who was most responsible for doing something about this problem, and which political party better represented the interests of poor people, rich people, and the middle class. In addition, respondents were questioned on whether they thought people in government wasted a lot of money and whether most of them were dishonest. Respondents were also asked if they had a favorable impression of certain people who might run in the presidential election, whom they would vote for if the House of Representatives election were held that day, and toward which candidate they were leaning. Other subjects addressed included whether respondents supported a federal law requiring businesses with more than 50 employees to allow workers 12 weeks of unpaid leave and a federal law giving unemployed people as much as 20 weeks of extra unemployment benefits, whether the United States should cut military spending because of the changes in the Soviet Union, and whether the Senate should have confirmed Clarence Thomas's nomination to the Supreme Court. Background information on respondents includes political alignment, 1988 presidential vote choice, education, age, religion, social class, marital status, number of people in household, labor union membership, employment status, race, income, sex, and state/region of residence.Cf:



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