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CBS News/New York Times Monthly Poll, August 1990

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This data collection is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that evaluate the Bush presidency and solicit opinions on a variety of political and social issues. Topics covered include for...

This data collection is part of a continuing series of monthly surveys that evaluate the Bush presidency and solicit opinions on a variety of political and social issues. Topics covered include foreign policy, the national economy, taxes, respondents' views of the most important problem facing the country and which political party could best handle it, present consequences and future expectations regarding Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the United States' response, whether inflation or unemployment was a more important problem, the federal budget deficit, respondents' party preferences in the 1990 United States House of Representatives election and 1992 presidential election, standards of ethics in government, and factors affecting respondents' preferences in congressional elections. Additionally, respondents were questioned regarding the savings and loan crisis. They were asked how banks compared with savings and loans and who has benefited most from the policies of the federal government. Other topics covered include abortion, respondent's financial situation, whether voting, jury duty, and military service is a duty or a choice, national handgun laws, capital punishment, whether convicted murderers serving life sentences should be paroled, and opinions of George Bush, Neil Bush, David Souter, Congress, and the Democratic and Republican parties. Demographic information collected includes sex, age, race, education, parental status, family income, employment status, religion, ethnicity, political orientation, party preference, voting behavior, party of United States Representative, jury duty service, and service in the armed forces.Cf:



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