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Euro-Barometer 7 : Science and Technology in the European Community, April 1977

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This round of Euro-Barometer surveys queried respondents on standard Euro-Barometer measures, such as how satisfied they were with their present life, whether they attempted to persuade others clos...

This round of Euro-Barometer surveys queried respondents on standard Euro-Barometer measures, such as how satisfied they were with their present life, whether they attempted to persuade others close to them to share their views on subjects they held strong opinions about, whether they discussed political matters, what their country's goals should be for the next ten years, and how they viewed the need for societal change. Additional questions focused on the respondents' knowledge of and opinions on the European Community (EC), including how well-informed they felt about the EC, what sources of information about the EC they used, whether their country had benefited from being an EC member, and the extent of their personal interest in EC matters. Another major focus of the surveys was on the role of science and technology in modern life and on political priorities in public support for science and scientific research. Several questions centered on the portrayal of scientists on television. Questions about the European Parliament were expanded to include reactions to the European Parliamentary elections proposed for June 1978, expectations concerning the campaign, the future role of the European Parliament, and respondents' projected voting preference in the election. Demographic information for each respondent includes occupation, age, and sex, as well as occupation of head of household, and composition of household. In addition to the survey itself, the ICPSR version of the study contains constructed indices on materialist/post-materialist values, left-right partisan vote, and cognitive mobilization (an indicator of an individual's potential to take an active role in the political process). Euro-Barometer 7 contains data gathered from representative samples of respondents aged 15 or older interviewed in each of the nine nations of the EC (Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, and the Netherlands) in April 1977. EURO-BAROMETER 10A: SCIENTIFIC PRIORITIES IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, OCTOBER-NOVEMBER, 1978 (ICPSR 7807) is a supplement to this study, containing many similar topics.Cf:



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