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Annual Housing Survey, 1977 [United States] : SMSA Files

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This data collection provides information on the characteristics of the housing inventory in 19 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs). Data include year the structure was built, type and ...

This data collection provides information on the characteristics of the housing inventory in 19 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs). Data include year the structure was built, type and number of living quarters, occupancy status, presence of commercial establishments on the property, presence of a garage, and property value. Additional data focus on kitchen and plumbing facilities, type of heating fuel used, source of water, sewage disposal, and heating and air conditioning equipment. Information about housing expenses includes mortgage or rent payments, utility costs, garbage collection fees, property insurance, and real estate taxes as well as repairs, additions, or alterations to the property. Similar data are provided for housing units previously occupied by respondents who had recently moved. Indicators of housing and neighborhood quality are also supplied. Housing quality variables include privacy of bedrooms, condition of kitchen facilities, basement or roof leakage, presence of cracks or holes in walls, ceilings, or floor, reliability of plumbing and heating equipment, and concealed electrical wiring. The presence of storm doors and windows and insulation was also noted. Neighborhood quality variables indicate presence of and objection to street noise, odors, crime, litter, and rundown and abandoned structures, as well as the adequacy of street lighting, public transportation, public parks, schools, shopping facilities, and police and fire protection. In addition to housing characteristics, demographic data for household members are provided, including sex, age, race, income, marital status, and household relationship. Additional data are available for the household head, including Hispanic origin, length of residence, and travel-to-work information.Cf:


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